BAPA in San Leon
Volunteer Opportnities

Interested in Volunteering? Follow these steps:
1. Please review our Volunteer Opportunities (below)
2. Complete an online Volunteer Application (button on this page)
3. Complete a Release/Waiver of Liability form prior to volunteering
4. Schedule and attend a monthly General Volunteer Orientation.
- This lasts approximately 1 hour. (Attending an orientation is required in order to volunteer).
- Volunteer Orientations are held monthly. Dates vary each month.
- Volunteer Orientations are not held during December.
- Volunteer hours at the shelter are available daily.
- For more information, please email us.
Note: We do NOT have a Community Service program.
Volunteer Requirements:
All volunteers must have the physical and cognitive abilities to volunteer independently, once all required training is completed. Volunteers must be able to utilize the online scheduling system as well as any online training that is required.
In the interest of time, cost and efficiency, volunteer communications will typically be done via email.
Age Restrictions:
You must be 16 years of age to volunteer. We are unable to accept children 15 years and younger into our volunteer program. A parent/legal guardian must volunteer with children between the ages of 16 and 17 at all times while at Bay Area Pet Adoptions/SPCA. Parents of children ages 16-17 must accompany them to orientation.
Time Commitments:
These are scheduled positions arranged to suit your own availability after all required training is completed.
On-site Volunteer Opportunities:
Please review our current volunteer opportunities below:
Cat Cuddler:
Cattery volunteers help keep our felines friendly and affectionate. You can cuddle, play with, and assist with grooming, bathing and enrichment. All of our felines need attention and affection during their stay to make them more adoptable. A brief Cattery Orientation will be provided by our wonderful Staff.
Cattery Cleaning/Feeding Shift:
Are you are morning person and interested in getting things accomplished early? This may be the shift for you. Volunteer to assist the Cattery Staff clean/feed and prior to the shelter opening. This is a volunteer work-shift, separate than the Cat Cuddler socialization shift. The ability to bend, lift, clean and feed is required. Specialized training by the Cattery Staff is required. Time Commitment: As this shift requires specialized training by staff, we ask that you commit to a minimum of 2 hours per week.
Canine Crew:
Your participation in the Canine Crew will help to exercise, socialize and keep the dogs behaviorally healthy until they are adopted. All participants will go through both online and hands-on, mentored training for safety and consistency in dog-handling skills. All participants must have the physical ability to handle the dogs, and a commitment to their care is required.
Bay Area Pet Adoptions utilizes positive training methods.
Additionally, K9 handlers are needed to showcase our adoptable dogs at events. Due to the specialized training required for the Canine Crew, a minimum of six hours per month is required for the first 3 months so you can complete your K9 Crew training and become comfortable with the shelters policies and procedures.
Office Help:
Do you love animals but would rather help in other ways that doesn’t always include pet hair? Volunteer indoors assisting with data entry, document scanning shredding etc… Basic office skills are needed for this volunteer opportunity. This opportunity is as needed.
Examples of Volunteer Opportunities/Work
There are so many things that volunteers may wish to do! A few examples are listed below and we are frequently adding new volunteer opportunities as needed:
- Facility Maintenance and Grounds keeping: These are ongoing projects needed to help maintain and keep our grounds in good condition. Donate your time by painting, mowing, weed eating and performing minor repairs.
- Fundraising/Special Events: Help us with our fundraisers and special events!
- Photography: Great photos and videos help get homeless pets adopted!
- Marketing: Do you have marketing skill sets you’d like to share? We can use your help!
- Gardening: Help Bay Area Pet Adoptions with the upcoming Serenity Garden. All gardening help will be appreciated
- Community Pet Food Pantry: Did you know that Bay Area Pet Adoptions has a Pet Food Pantry to assist community members and their pets who are in need? If you are interested in helping pets and people, this may be the position for you! Prepare pet food packages, help keep donations organized and assist community members with keeping their beloved pets at home.
- Special Project or Group Volunteering: Would you, or your special interest group like to support our mission and our shelter pets by performing a special project or completing a one-day group project for the shelter or would you like to coordinate or participate in offsite projects/events? If so, please contact us : for more information.
Below is just a small sample of projects on our wish list.
- Landscaping, tree trimming
- Gardening, planting, building raised garden beds in the Serenity Garden
- Build a small archway marking the entrance to the Serenity Garden
- Move large sand/dirt pile (spread it out evenly, filling in low areas)
- Create stone/paver pathway for Serenity Garden
- Build shade cover and/or deck in agility yard
- Repair/replace the shade covers in the play yards
- Paint the building trim/doors etc
- Collecting donations off our Wish List
- Fundraising
- Making toys/pet blankets for our shelter pets
- Assisting at our upcoming fundraising events
Do you have any additional suggestions? Please let us know!

Adopt A Pet
Make a Donation
Our Mission
The mission of Bay Area Pet Adoptions is to shelter companion animals that we have rescued from kill shelters/animal control facilities and individuals until permanent homes are found for them. Our adoption program strives to place the animal with a family whose lifestyle and activity level matches that of the animal.
Bay Area Pet Adoptions provides education and community outreach, focusing on ways to reduce the number of unwanted companion animals and their euthanization. We educate about the daily care and responsibilities of a family pet, including the importance of spaying/neutering, proper vaccinations, and the prevention of heartworms and other parasites. We also provide information on resources available to the community for low-cost spay/neuter assistance and all other medical care. We also offer a low-cost vaccination clinic by appointment.
Contact Us:
3000 Avenue R, San Leon, Tx
(281) 339-2086
Mon - Tues: 11am - 5pm
Closed Wed
Thurs - Sun: 11am - 5pm
501(c)3 Non-Profit No-Kill Shelter
Oldest No-Kill Shelter in Galveston County
100% Dependent on Public Donations